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Spray for men's health

without prostatitis
Restore the health of the prostate gland
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50500 RWF




Normalizes urination

Destroys pathogenic bacteria

Improve your sexual function

Prostate - the second heart of man
In the initial stages, prostatitis is asymptomatic
And only later does a man begin to feel pain, irritation, frequent urination, erectile dysfunction, and other symptoms.
Among the most common diseases of the prostate gland are acute and chronic prostatitis
Ignoring prostatitis can lead to:

Complete helplessness

Risk of infertility

Pathology of seminal vesicles

Prostatic adenoma and cancer

VitalMan against prostatitis and its symptoms
Effective sprays for men with added natural plant oils

Its active substances group into molecular chains and act directly on prostate cells

The 'smart' formula self-detects inflammation and fills cells with important trace elements

After 1 course of VitalMan, prostate function normalizes

Ruben Jimenez

Men's health specialist

Specialists recommend VitalMan

Prostatitis can be bacterial and non-bacterial. In the first case, the disease is caused by pathogens (staphylococcus, streptococcus), and in the second case - by stagnation phenomena in the pelvis.

[$productName] spray is equally effective for different forms and degrees of prostatitis. Its formula has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It acts equally on both the causative agents and the symptoms of the disease. As a result, prostate function and the patient's sex life normalize.

Men who drink this drink forget about spasms, pain, abdominal bloating, frequent urination, and potency problems. That's why I recommend Rico Boost to all my patients.

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How VitalMan works

Eliminates inflammation

The spray has a direct effect on prostate cells, relieving pain, swelling, inflammation, and muscle spasms


Improves urodynamics

Reduces residual urine volume, normalizes the tone of the lower urinary tract


Strengthens blood vessels

Cleanses and strengthens blood vessels, preventing stagnation. Microcirculation in the pelvis improves


Normalizes flora

Regulates the microflora of internal glands, eliminates all types of infections and known pathogenic fungi.


Improves Erection

Improves erection and increases libido. Healthy blood vessels fill with blood better and contract quickly



The natural functions of the mucous membrane cells and organs of the genitourinary system are restored

Prostatitis is no longer a problem for these men

43 years old

“5 years ago I first felt prostatitis. I went to the doctor. He treated me with traditional methods: massages, injections, antibiotics. It was very painful! Then I read that traditional methods of treating bacterial prostatitis help in 50-60% of cases, in the remaining cases, the disease becomes chronic. I fell into this range of 40-50% and decided to abandon conventional treatment. I was lucky to discover VitalMan (I read an article about it). I ordered it, started taking it, and almost immediately noticed the difference. No more friction, pain, and impulses. I don't know what to do anymore, and I'm not afraid that my penis won't stop when I want it to. Now everything works like Swiss watches”


37 years old

“It all started three years ago: one night I jumped out of bed with a sharp pain in my groin. I was diagnosed with bacterial prostatitis. A course of antibiotics and suppositories corrected the situation for half a year. Then the pain, frequent urination, and all other 'comforts' returned. This time I decided to go to another specialist. He recommended VitalMan, and soon I stopped running to the bathroom and suffering. I haven't had attacks for over two years, but now I take Rico Boost every six months to prevent them. That's why I advise everyone to do the same”


41 years old

“I suffered from chronic prostatitis. I tried all methods. Antibiotics, blockers, vitamins, and other pills did not produce a lasting effect. Massages and other unpleasant procedures in the clinic also had no effect. But VitalMan, to my huge surprise and joy, helped me! Prostatitis no longer bothers me, and I finally lead a normal life instead of going to the bathroom every 15 minutes”

How to order VitalMan

Simple and convenient ordering process - your way to perfect health

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Start your life

Spray for men's health

without prostatitis
Restore the health of the prostate gland

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