Today, our guest is a specialist of the Research Institute of Ophthalmology, a representative of pharmacy chains and the chief ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health.
Leading specialist of the Research Institute of Ophthalmology - Abeo Saidu
Abidemi Musa: "Dr Saidu, how do you estimate the dynamics of age-related changes in eyevision?"
Abeo Saidu: Actually, age-related changes in eyevision are a complex of eye diseases that, without proper prevention, can make a person blind in a few years.
It's needed to understand that degradation of eyevision is a progressive disease, so without prevention it will only get worse.
Abidemi Musa: "That is, everyone who has eye problems is at a high risk of complications and complete blindness?"
Abeo Saidu: That's right, eye problems will sooner or later lead to complete blindness. Unlike many other human diseases, visual impairment develops only on an increasing basis, gradually leading a person to surgery, and in especially advanced cases - to complete blindness. The disease can develop slowly, but it affects for sure. Like a time bomb that doesn't necessarily go off right away, but has a 100% chance of exploding sooner or later.
Every year in Nigeria, hundreds of thousands of people are sent for eye surgery. Another half lose their sight and become blind. In addition, loss of vision even partially greatly impairs the quality of a life. The worst thing is that until recently there was not a single effective way to prevention eyevision. If a person has a deterioration in eyevision, then the maximum that medicine could offer are medications that relieve symptoms. No more.
Abidemi Musa: "How can people prevention eyesight now?"
Abeo Saidu: In most cases, patients are offered medicaments that only can slow down the development of the disease, but no more. The second option is dangerous and expensive vision correction surgeries.
Any of these methods are actually useless although. Medicaments can only relieve symptoms, and operations in 27% of cases lead to complications.
It happens because of low efficiency of the classical approach to prevention. That is why minds of specialists have always been occupied with the development of a remedy which would allow people to improved eyesight. At the National Research Institute of Ophthalmology of Nigeria, we have created the first remedy that can really tune the visual apparatus to work correctly and prevention vision.
Abidemi Musa: "Could you tell us about this remedy?"
Abeo Saidu: Sure. I'm talking about "Visiorax" - a unique product that has no analogues abroad and in Nogeria. No other remedy uses a similar formula.
Abidemi Musa: "I have a question to the general director of the pharmacy chain of the Erkafarm Group of Companies, Adaolisa Buraimoh, who is present here today. Why isn't this remedy sold in chemists'?"Adaolisa Buraimoh: Apparently, the manufacturer didn't agree on some points during our negotiations. This never happened that some of my colleagues refused to accept a product that is certified in Nigeria for sale. Most likely, the problem is in some technical aspects.
Abeo Saidu: Don't lie to the whole country! I was present at the negotiations with almost all pharmacy chains. And they openly said that Visiorax wouldn't be put on the shelves because of the price. Your employees offered to put a really high price! And then it could be sold in pharmacies. None of the chemists' want to sell it, because now we are running a campaign, according to which people can get the remedy with a good discount. And we insisted on the same pricing policy. Chemists' are a business and they need profits, in this case excess profits. And they don't care about people's health.
Abidemi Musa: "Adaolisa, is it really true?"
Adaolisa Buraimoh: I guess the moment of pricing might be mentioned in the negotiations. But you don't understand that chemists' are a private enterprise. And we take medicines for sale exclusively at our discretion. It is impossible to force us to sell something. We also have to pay salaries to employees, pharmacists, office staff, and so on. We cannot afford to sell any medicine at a loss. And what the research institute offered us is not a business. To put up for sale a product that will not make a profit, and even bring down the sales of other ophthalmic product or supplement. Don't take it personal, it's just business.
Abeo Saidu: Do, you admit that the whole question was your desire to get super profit. And you are wrong about "nothing personal". For every person with poor eyesight, this is personal. You do not allow them to be properly prevention because of the desire to make money! And then you say it's just business. What kind of business when it comes to people's health. You are not selling concrete for construction, but medicines on which the health and lives of people depend!
Abidemi Musa: "Dr Saidu, how do you distribute Visiorax?"
Abeo Saidu: The product is distributed directly from our research institute. Now we have launched a campaign, thanks to which everyone can get a discount for purchasing the remedy.
This is precisely the main conflict with pharmacy chains. They want to make money on sick people, pulling the maximum money out of them. Old and ineffective medicaments are ideal for case. In the meanwhile, our remey not only solves the problem forever, it is also distributed with a good discount. In production, the cost of the remedy is quite high, but the costs are compensated from the budget of the Research Institute and the government.
However, we have found a way out - the specialists of the Research Institute have created a special website where you can order Visiorax and get it with a discount. All you need to do is just leave your name and contact details. After that, a consultant will contact you to choose a convenient delivery time. We tried to make everything as simple as possible so that everyone can get the product, even if they have not ordered anything via the Internet before.
Abidemi Musa: "I have one more question for our guest, Kamfeechi Makinde, the chief ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health. How is it that a unique product created in Nigeria and distributed with a discount is not available for the population? This is some kind of collusion against the population? Why can't you help?"
Kamfeechi Makinde: Abidemi, I would like to note that despite the position, according to the law, I can only deal with the coordination of scientific research and strategic issues. I have no influence on commercial pharmacy chains. All I can do is to recommend a remedy. Of course, Visiorax was recommended from my side. Actually, the entire scientific community understands what a colossal breakthrough in the field of vision prevention has been made. To my deep regret, the pharmacy chains did not react properely. Actually, this is understandable and logical, as in case of mass distribution of Visiorax they would suffer billions of dollars in losses.
Now we are working on the issue of distributing Visiorax through state clinics and hospitals. However, there are some bureaucratic troubles, but I hope that the issue will be resolved within the next 10-12 months.
Abidemi Musa: "It turns out that at least another year will pass before Visiorax appears in hospitals and chemists'. What should people do now?"
Kamfeechi Makinde: The Research Institute of Ophthalmology has an official website, where everyone can order Visiorax with a discount. So far, the only way out is to use it. Moreover, as far as I understand, they deliver the product very quickly and at any amount.
Abeo Saidu: Excuse me, just a little note about "any amount." At the moment, the Research Institute does not have enough production volumes in order to cover the entire country. Therefore, we issue packages of the remedy as they are produced. At the moment we are giving out about 700 packages of Visiorax, which can be obtained with a discount during the promotion. We still need time to settle mass production.
Abidemi Musa: "What can you recommend to people before saying goodbye?"
Abeo Saidu: I would like to draw the attention that if eyesight began to deteriorate, then in 100% of cases it will continue until complete blindness. Please, don't wait until you lose eyesight and become disabled.
Important! It was found out that march is the best time to start prevention. Due to the stabilization of the average temperature, metabolic processes in body are accelerated, the effect of the use of the remedy is enhanced. Vision preventions 37% faster than in other seasons.
You can get Visiorax with a discount exclusively on the official website!
Conditions for getting Visiorax with a discount:
- You should live in the region participating in the program (Nigeria)
Only residents of regions, in which a preferential program is currently held, can get the discount - For personal use only
We need to fight against resellers who are trying to massively redeem Visiorax and resell it with at a high price. - Fill in an application form on the official website, or in the order form below
The official website is a guarantee of the manufacturer's price and protection from fraud dealers
Especially for our readers, we post an application form to get the discount.
ORDER "Visiorax"
98000 NGN 49000 NGN
Added 12 hours ago | Note: Important news! At the moment, the promotion is held in Nigeria until March 26, 2022
inclusive. Until the end of the promotion, the original Visiorax can be ordered through the official website! At the moment, the
amount of the promotional packages left in Nigeria:
43 pcs .