After cleaning your vessels with this, hypertension and 9 other supposedly "incurable" diseases disappear.
Everyone knows that high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack are the consequences of too much cholesterol in the blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease. However, few people realise that this is just the tip of the iceberg. “Filthy” vessels are responsible for 9 out of 10 chronic diseases that are purportedly incurable.
Headaches, pressure surges. The joints ache and crack, the neck does not twist and the back does not bend as they should. The legs swell in the evening and the face does in the morning. Non-stop tinnitus. The fingers go numb and the limbs turn cold. Sight fails. Memory deteriorates. Not enough energy to do anything. Many attribute all this to just age, but that’s not correct.
These questions were answered by the head of the Department of Vascular Surgery at the Bristol Medical School, professor, practicing neurosurgeon, Honored British Doctor, Adam Campbell.
Dr. Campbell has performed over 11,000 open brain surgery operations. His youngest patient was only 2 days old.
Dr. Campbell is great at explaining complex medical processes in simple terms. He has written 47 scientific books and research guides for people with no medical background. He is absolutely convinced that our blood vessels are responsible for 90% of our body's health, and our well-being depends on how clean they are.
Doctor, you always say that blood vessels are responsible for 90% of the body’s health. How come?
What is the largest organ in the human body? Few people know. Even medical students are often wrong. Their favorite answers are usually the brain and the liver. The more educated one will venture to say the skin. In fact, however, the largest organ is our circulatory system.
2.5 times
one person’s blood vessels can go around the planetJust think about it. If we could “untangle” all the vessels in the human body and tie them into one long cord, the length of this cord would be about 100,000 km.
For reference - the length of the Earth's equator is 40 thousand. kilometers. It turns out that each person’s “string of vessels” can go around the entire planet 2.5 times.
What do you think about such scale?
Vessels aren’t just tubes through which blood flows. It is a complex, single organ, the failure of which results in immediate suffering.
Ailing leg vessels – varicose veins, constant swelling and heaviness, a cold or unbearable burning sensation in the feet. Cracked heels. Poor blood circulation - no protection against bacteria, and therefore fungi. Nails get too thick and long.
Clogged vessels that nourish the liver lead to hepatitis. A bitterness in the mouth. After eating fatty foods - bitter belching.
Weakened and contaminated vessels in the joints lead to dry cartilage. The joints grind and ache, overwhelming osteochondrosis and hernias appear.
Clogged anal vessels lead to hemorrhoids.
Contaminated blood vessels in the eyes - eyesight deteriorates, “spots” begin to appear. Leads to the development of a cataract. A redness of the eyes that we often brush off as mere fatigue is actually a micro-hemorrhage - the rupture of tiny capillaries in the eye.
It becomes increasingly difficult for the heart to get enough blood – the person becomes dizzy, forgetful, plagued by tinnitus. You go to the kitchen and then forget what it was you needed there. Or you suddenly forget the meaning of a word and just can’t seem to remember it. These are all signs of deteriorating cerebral vessels.
And, of course, the queen of vascular disease, Her Majesty, Hypertension. And hypertension is the mother of strokes and the sister of heart attacks.
Blood vessels are our feed system, life itself flows through them. You block an important section of this route and life stops.
Clogged vessels means all the body’s organs “go hungry”.
Excess weight, for example, is directly linked to blood circulation. Vessels clogged with cholesterol force the organs to starve since they cannot provide them with the right amount of nutrients. Consequently, the brain sends signals – “need food”. And so you eat. But this doesn’t help the organs in any way - they still aren’t getting their nourishment. So, the brain issues another “eat” command. Over and over.
Hence the constant need for snacks, the crave for sweets and fatty foods - the body demands calories.
When doctors tell their patients that they have high blood pressure because they’re overweight, they mistake cause and effect. Being overweight doesn’t cause hypertension. Hypertension makes people gain excess weight!
The well-known saying "Without health there is no happiness" can be extended - "And there is no health without clean vessels"
That’s why I’ll always say: if you want to live life to its fullest - clean and heal your vessels. Clean vessels are the key to overcoming 90% of chronic diseases, some of which are considered incurable.
What else contaminates the blood vessels besides cholesterol?
Everyone knows cholesterol is bad. That’s the culprit who clogs up our blood vessels, disrupting proper blood circulation. But he doesn’t “work” alone.
6.1 kg
That’s the total mass of contaminants that is accumulated in the vessels when a person hits 50CHOLESTEROL
Yes, precisely. Cholesterol plaques, also known as "atherosclerotic plaques", are responsible for approximately 65-70% of vessel contamination.
When a person reaches 50, their body already contains up to 5 kg of cholesterol plaques. Cholesterol deposits restrict the flow of blood in the vessels about 4-5 times.
Imagine this. If a vessel is normally as thick as a finger, then 5 kg of cholesterol plaques will make it as thick as about 4 matches.
Cholesterol plaques on their own are not life threatening. Sure, the quality of life decreases, given the pressure spikes, headaches, joint pain and such. But the clot mass that also builds up in our vessels is much more dangerous.
Blood clots make up much less - 0.8-1 kg. Their threat, however, lies in the fact that at any second one can detach from the wall and completely block off a blood vessel.
If the clot is large enough, it tightly "obstructs" the victim's vessel. Ischemia occurs - the blood supply to the organ “fed” by this vessel is completely cut off.
An ischemic stroke is the obstruction of the cerebral vessels. A heart attack is the obstruction of the main heart artery. Liver ischemia, pneumothorax, renal failure are all different types of vessel obstructions. Hemorrhoids are actually rectal ischemia. Over time, the obstruction of even the smallest vessels on the legs leads to necrosis - gangrene.
Vascular calcification is caused by the residue of chemical drugs and food additives. An average 50 year old accumulates around 300-400 grams. The vessels of the brain suffer from calcification the most.
Calcification is dangerous because of its sharp, crystalline structure. Since vessels are narrow,
a vessel spasm caused by stress or exercise or the weather causes a sharp calcification crystal to
rupture the vessel. And ruptured cerebral vessels result in a hemorrhagic stroke.
4 clear signs and 7 invisible ones your blood vessels are in danger
What are the symptoms that indicate that your blood vessels are clogged up? How can we tell when our body is urging us to clean them?
In fact, if you are over 45 and have never taken any nutraceuticals to cleanse your vessels, I guarantee that you already are, or at the very best, will soon be experiencing issues with them. .
45 years
Is the critical point when you must clean your vesselsVessels clogged with cholesterol, blood clots, calcification are basically natural and aging processes. Of course, modern food, medical drugs, smoking and alcohol accelerate the process and so vessels get clogged up 5 to 8 times faster. But, this can happen even to a bishop, as they say. This is just the world we live in.
The main symptom of contaminated vessels
If you've been diagnosed with Hypertension, you can just skip this part. Hypertension is the queen of sick blood vessels.
Do you suffer from pressure spikes? Is it constantly too high which forces you to take pills? Best case scenario, your vessels can conduct 30% of the blood they’re supposed to. The rest is blocked by cholesterol plaques, blood clots and calcification that densely cover the vessel walls.
Therefore, the slightest stress, weather changes or magnetic storms have an immediate effect on your health. The pressure rises, your head begins to crack, the joints ache.
Four diseases caused by contaminated blood vessels:
1. Hypertension
Unstable or constantly high blood pressure that must be lowered with special medication. The main and most important indicator. Have you been diagnosed with hypertension? That means your blood vessels are literally dying to be cleaned
2. Varicose veins
Ugly swollen veins on the legs, heaviness pain and swelling. Cholesterol and blood clots clog up the veins. Vascular "stars" gradually appear, which then eventually develop into a vascular "network".
3. Hemorrhoids
When the drainage vessels of the anus become clogged, the hemorrhoidal nodes swell up. If the blood supply vessels clog first, anal fissures occur.
4. Osteochondrosis
Not enough blood circulation in the cartilage. The cartilage hardens and starts to dry out, not having enough time to repair the damage. It loses its support capacity. The salts do not rinse off and begin to build up in an uncontrolled manner, forming what’s known as the Widow's hump.
7 warning signs:
1. Edema
Dirty vessels fail to drain liquids. They disrupt the water-salt metabolism. Closer to the evening, a person’s legs swell up so bad, their socks start to cut into their ankles, leaving marks. The face swells up, bags under the eyes appear. Fingers swell up so much, you can’t take off your rings. A swollen belly signals that your internal organs are swollen too.
2. Tinnitus
From a barely audible squeal to loud howling and chirping. These are the consequences of the increased pressure in the cerebral vessels that press against the eardrum.
3. Dizziness
Feeling “drunk”, sharp and sudden bouts of dizziness indicate that the vascular apparatus is "starving". Often also causes hearing impairment.
4. Insomnia
Do you feel sleepy and lethargic, but can’t fall asleep at night? The reason is insufficient blood supply to the pituitary gland. It stops producing melatonin - the sleep hormone.
5. Fatigue
The person has no energy nor desire to do anything. Only to lie down and eat. You experience this feeling when your body enters a sort of “energy-saving mode”. The contaminated vessels don’t provide adequate nourishment for all the organs, and in order not to die, your body tries to reduce its activity levels.
6. Eyesight problems
“Seeing spots”, a fog effect, obscurity - these are all signs of vascular insufficiency of the eyes.
7. Arthralgia
When the weather is bad, joints ache. When you wake up in the morning you don't feel fresh and re-energised, but rather like a numb half-paralyzed cripple. You need to spend a certain amount of time bringing your joints “back to life” after waking up. The synovial fluid loses its properties, it sticks joints together like gorilla glue.
Is there any sort of clear signal? The blood vessels desperately ring the alarm, demanding to be cleansed and nourished.
Most often, people experience several symptoms at once in various combinations. And then all of them simultaneously.They try to deal with each symptom on its own, failing to see the bigger picture. Anti-pressure pills, anti-varicose-ointments, suppositories for hemorrhoids, gels for osteochondrosis. And of course, painkillers, painkillers, painkillers...
They just toss bundles of cash into the gaping mouth of the pharmaceutical industry. But since there is but one cause for all these problems - circulatory disorders - what the body requires is a cleansing of its blood vessels.
How to clean blood vessels of cholesterol, blood clots and calcification?
Let’s take a look at a specific real case, this is Julia Harris from Nottingham, 57 years old, married, overweight, suffering from hypertension and varicose veins. Her body reacts to weather more accurately than a barometer – her joints ache, she becomes weak and drowsy, and her head feels like it’s going to split open.
What is Julia Harris to do? How can she clean her blood vessels without bribing doctors and having to listen to the condescending “you need to lose weight”, “you need to exercise”, “you need to eat healthier”, “it’s just your age” and such?
Most “remedies” sold in pharmacies don’t help and heal, but rather weaken and harm the body.Yes, our healthcare system leaves much to be desired. Therefore, I perfectly understand the reluctance to consult a doctor. But Julia Harris will deal with her problem all on her own.
If you want to clean your blood vessels safely, there’s only 1 drug with an impeccable reputation we can recommend - Normatone. It extends your life by 11-17 years, provides you with energy, relaxes your body and doesn’t take any sort of toll on your health.
Safe as herbal tea. In terms of effectiveness, it’s second only to blood vessel cleaning surgery. However, unlike surgery, it has no complications or side effects. The treatment cleans all the vessels in the body. From large, thick arteries to the smallest, most delicate capillaries.
Normatone are 100% natural capsules prepared from plant extracts which, upon contact with water, awaken living molecules. These little cleaners cleanse the vessels from cholesterol mucus and blood clots that cling to the walls, as well as from any residue left behind by other drugs. Basically, anything that slows down the flow of blood.
The pollution accumulated over the years, that poisons your body, is flushed out after a1.5-2 months course of Normatone.
After 1.5 months, Normatone dissolves and removes 4 kg of cholesterol plaques. It liquefies 900 grams - 1 kg of thrombotic mass and washes away 350-400 grams of calcification.Headaches and tinnitus disappear. The brain, properly nourished by clean vessels, runs at the speed of a supercomputer. Thoughts are clear and precise.
Your senses become sharper, you hear pleasant sounds that you couldn’t even notice before. Your hearing improves, you can even hear what people are quietly talking about in the next room.
You’ll be able to experience fragrances like never before. No more allergies, blocked or constantly running nose. Your lungs will feel rejuvenated and as a result your breathing will become free and steady. Fresh air will fill the lungs and travel through the body in pleasant waves, causing a feeling of slight euphoria.
All the flavors you taste become bright and saturated. Regular food gives you extraordinary pleasure. You eat less while eating more. You no longer crave sweets and fatty foods.
Joints no longer hurt. Since the joints become re-hydrated, all your movements become smooth. It’s like when you change your engine oil, replacing the black, dirty fluid with fresh, clean oil, ensuring perfect friction.
Impressive. In fact, this is the first time I've heard of Normatone. Although I HAVE heard of nutraceuticals in general. In Japan and Israel, nutraceuticals have been legally designated as the preferred treatment used in their clinics. While here in the Kenya, these remedies are still considered untrustworthy.
Julia Harris must have tried hundreds of different remedies and drugs, but she’s done with that and has promised herself that she will not throw away any more money on miraculous drugs of questionable quality.
Let me tell you a story about distrust.
In 1928, the first antibiotic, penicillin, was invented. With its help, man was able to easily treat dysentery and typhus, back then - lethal diseases.
Most people, however, did not believe it could actually help, because they had already been disappointed 1,000 times over trying to cure their malaises themselves. Those who made the 1,001st attempt recovered. And those who threw in the towel, thinking penicillin to be “just another pseudo-miracle drug” kicked the bucket, even though salvation was within their grasp.
Our doubts damage us, they dissuade us from trying something that might just be our salvation.Just like back then, penicillin overcame the incurable diseases of its era (dysentery, typhus and pulmonary plague), so will Normatone, in time, eliminate vascular diseases. The first steps have already been taken - Japan, Canada, Korea, Switzerland and Israel have replaced drugs with nutraceutical therapy as their main tool to cleanse blood vessels.
In the Kenya, Normatone is officially prescribed only in a single place - a hospital in London. Specifically, the one which treats our country’s elites - ministers, deputies, celebrities. It uses Israeli protocols (hence, patients getting ACTUAL results), but the Department of Health and Social Care doesn’t issue permits to allow other establishments to use them.
The Department of Health offers the rest of our citizens treatment with chemicals produced by factories owned by that same elite.
I also believe that doubt is our worst enemy, so I'm not afraid to try new things.
Imagine this, I got Normatone, I open the package... What happens next? How does this remedy work exactly?
When they are saturated with moisture and oxygen, medicinal extracts gain the effect of hydrogen peroxide - oxygenation.
Normatone molecules are little oxygen bombs. They blow up cholesterol dams in your vessels and allow your blood to flow freely.
In the States, Normatone has been hailed as the “Vessel Cleaner”. And such a title reflects its essence quite accurately.
Oxygenation helps accelerate the absorption of therapeutic molecules through oxygen enrichment.The Normatone drink is darkish with a slight shade of brown. Tastes sour, slightly tart, with a hint of pleasant herbs.
5 minutes - this is how long the molecules in the extracts live, stimulated by the oxygenation reaction. That's why Normatone is so effective - you drink live extracts that work very actively. Meanwhile, regular drugs only provide you with passive, sterilised molecular skeletons.
The composition of the capsules ensures the immediate absorption of living molecules. Oxygen-enriched extracts are easily absorbed into the walls of the esophagus. Therefore, Normatone does not cause heartburn, a feeling bitterness in the mouth, belching, does not irritate the intestines and protects the stomach. You can take Normatone even if you have an ulcer.
Normatone is a combination of rare medicinal extracts that work in harmony to purify and strengthen the blood vessels.CLEANS BLOOD VESSELS
Nettle gets rid of cholesterol clots. It’s molecules chisel cholesterol particles that cling to the walls of the vessels, ensuring an unobstructed flow of blood. The cartilage comes back to life, saturated with moisture and oxygen, its flexibility restored. The neck, back and joints stop crunching and grinding. Knees and toes no longer hurt when there’s poor weather outside
The swelling disappears. Even after spending the whole day walking - they don’t swell up.
The blood supply to the skin is restored - no more red spots and visible blood vessels. The varicose veins gradually go away, the hemorrhoidal nodes dry up.
The starvation extract molecules come into play. They catch "broken" cholesterol particles, attach to them and convert them into high-density beneficial lipoproteins, which are involved in the breakdown of fats.
Normatone kills two birds with one stone – it removes the cholesterol that is polluting the vessels and simultaneously stimulates proper fat burning. This provides you with a surge of energy, making you want to move, explore the world, engage in different activities.
Vitamin B2 relieves vascular spasms. It soothes and relaxes blood vessels with insufficient blood flow. The pressure returns to normal smoothly and safely. The headaches and tinnitus disappear, the lungs once again work smoothly and easily. No more shortness of breath.
Thiamine “scans” the vessels for blood clots. Larch dilutes the blood, making it light and fluid. It dissolves blood clots and even small aneurysms. It washes away the calcium deposits left behind in the vessels by the chemical drugs the person took at one point.
It feels like a weight has been lifted from the heart, breathing becomes much easier. The heartbeat becomes slow and steady. Arrhythmia and tachycardia are no longer a problem. No more sharp stinging sensations in the chest caused by an embolism in the heart - forget about it forever
The risk of a heart attack drops to zero.
Willow bark extract patches the walls of blood vessels. Its molecules stick to microfractures and cracks like a bandaid. The brain is thus well protected against a possible stroke. Since it begins to receive sufficient oxygen and nourishment, the person gets to experience a pleasant feeling, their head no longer heavy.
Butterfly effect
A 2 months Normatone treatment course is like being born anew
You wake up in the morning and get out of bed with ease - you no longer have to force yourself to get up by dragging and rubbing your stiff legs or crunching your back and neck.
In the morning, the body is full of energy and strength, because the vessels have been completely cleansed and during the night all organs get sufficient nourishment and rest. No part of the body is deprived of its blood supply, meaning it gets plenty of strength for each new day.
For breakfast, you make yourself some toast with a thick layer of butter and a plate of crispy bacon, and your liver and stomach are able to process it no problem. No more bitter burps or piercing stomach aches. Normatone cleanses the vessels that “feed” the stomach, so now it can even digest a nail.
When you leave the house, you don't have to worry about your legs anymore – walking is no longer a burden. Even if you spend the entire day walking, your legs won’t get tired or swell up. Sandals, shoes and socks no longer cut into your (now not) swollen legs like razors.
You are absolutely calm and relaxed. Constant pain no longer consumes your mind, letting you actually focus on other things. When nothing hurts, familiar things, sounds and smells shine in a whole different light.
Even after a hard day at work, you come home with a clear, light mind. Your brain works like a Swiss watch, you don't feel tired at all.
Now, when you go to bed, you fall asleep quickly and effortlessly. Gone are the days when you fidgeted in bed at midnight, flipping the pillow, and still sleep wouldn’t come. Now everything is simple - you decide when to fall asleep, and your body obeys your command.
The preference programme and a deficit of packages
Yes, unfortunately, it has. Starting this year, Normatone is no longer available in pharmacies.
The reason for that was the greed of the pharmaceutical chain, that demanded Normatone’s manufacturer pay them £37 for each pack sold! And considering that Normatone was already quite expensive to make (the cost of Normatone in some London pharmacies reached £188), this additional fee pharmacies wanted to charge was preposterous.
Pharmaceutical chains’ representatives try to make excuses – they say, they need this additional fee to survive. After all, Normatone is a drug that is bought once every 7-10 years. Not to mention that once a person cleans their vessels, they no longer have any need to purchase massive amounts of other drugs! People won’t buy any more anti-pressure pills or capsules to deal with joint pain. Same goes for asthmatics and diabetics. And this leads to considerable losses for the pharmacies. That’s why they want the highest possible price for Normatone.
As a result, the manufacturer of Normatone cut off all contacts with pharmacies and switched to distributing the drug exclusively online. And that was the correct choice: now, there’s no need to rent out a retail outlet nor to allocate funds for bribes. That's why Normatone is now available as a special offer.
The “clean vessels” preferential programmeOur institute, together with the National Medical Research Center of Cardiovascular Surgery and the manufacturer of Normatone, launched a preferential programme as part of the telemedicine project (Internet medicine).
Anyone can subscribe to become a privileged recipient of Normatone.
What do I need to do to take part?To get Normatone, you must meet the following requirements:
For personal use only:This is done to combat scammers trying to massively buy Normatone and then resell it at a much higher price.
Apply via the official programme form:
The official application form is a guarantee of quality and protection against scammers.
Up to and including or while Normatone supplies last. And this is all even without radio and TV advertising. It’s mostly word of mouth - people share information, tell their friends and family about this product. We ourselves were much surprised to see how quickly awareness spread.
That’s why, we recommend you order Normatone as soon as possible. We won’t be able to distribute it again up until the end of the year.
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