Stabilizes blood pressure
Relieves headaches
Improves overall wellbeing
The best remedy for hypertension
Patented formula
Product of the year 2020
Ignoring high blood pressure is playing with death:sooner or later you will lose.
An acute disorder of cerebral circulation that leads to the damage and death of neurons in the brain. Depending on the severity, it can result in complete paralysis, loss of speech, disability, and death.
Cholesterol plaques start building up on the walls of blood vessels. This blocks up the vessels and damages their elasticity. The lumen of the artery is narrowed, the flow of blood requires more force to remain stable. This in turn means that the heart muscles aren’t receiving enough oxygen and the heart starts working faster to compensate for it. This leads to the development of heart rhythm disorders, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac arrest.
A serious and life-threatening pathological condition in which there is an interruption of blood flow in the vessels that feed the heart muscle due to an acute spasm or blockage of the blood vessels by a blood clot or a build-up of cholesterol. Due to the lack of oxygen, the heart muscle area begins to die.The chance of survival is critically low.
Impairment of proper kidney functioning that occurs due to the death of nephrons (kidney cells) and their replacement by connective tissue. It leads to improper metabolism of water, electrolyte, nitrogen and other substances. In severe cases - to kidney failure.
Even if hypertension cannot be completely cured, it’s still possible to achieve a lifelong remission - bringing the body to a state in which the disease is not felt and does not affect the person’s health. This has been demonstrated by the United States Institute of Cardiology using the example of more than half a million Americans who conquered the disease with the help of Normatone .
Until 2019, hypertension was considered the most dangerous disease for the cardiovascular system.Pills helped relieve the symptoms, but they could return at any time.
In 2019, the best American cardiologists unveiled a drug that had been in development for more than 10 years.Its development was a closely guarded secret. Only after hundreds of successful trials, the drug was introduced to the world as a breakthrough in cardiology.
The drug's proprietary formula has been shown to be effective not only in trials, but also in practice.Patients treated with Normatone were not only spared from the high pressure and its effects. They managed to lead a healthy life without any side effects.
After the introduction of Normatone into medical practice, the number of heart attacks and strokes caused by hypertension decreased by 37% globally.
Normatone not only stabilizes blood pressure, but also the other symptoms hypertension causes:
Heart rhythm disturbance
Pressure spikes
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Swelling, sweating
Meteorological dependency
increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, decreases their resistance to the flow of blood, reduces spasms in the vessels, strengthens arterial tissue. Allows to reduce blood pressure by 10-15%, eliminates pain caused by arterial spasms and prevents complications caused by hypertension (vessels ruptures and hemorrhages).
strengthens blood vessel walls, increases their elasticity, reduces the risks of atherosclerotic plaques and clots, significantly reduces pressure during hypertension.
reduces the pressure by stimulating the production of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide. By relaxing the vessels, these components contribute to the dilation of the arteries and arterioles, and through that lower the blood pressure.
strengthens the heart muscle and vascular walls, improves the tone, vascular elasticity, the heart’s ability to contract and dilate in a timely manner, increases the protective functions of the heart and blood vessels, its resistance to the negative influence of pathogenic factors, relieves the spasms of the smooth muscles of the heart and blood vessels.
Hypertension dominates over the person. If you have high blood pressure, you need to think 10 times before doing whatever. This applies to everything from enjoying your favorite food to taking a brisk walk in the park.
With hypertension, any activity can be, if not fatal, an excruciating experience that exacerbates existing symptoms. Many of my patients confirm this.
As a doctor, I’m very excited that we’ve managed to create something as revolutionary as Normatone . This is a truly new-generation drug that not only deals with the symptoms and eliminates the effects of the disease: Normatone gives the hypertensive their life back.
I’ve had hypertension for a long time, I started having pressure spikes when I was 30. Currently I’m 52, I’ve been taking pills for the past 10 years. I’ve had 2 hypertensive crises and 1 heart attack so far. But then I discovered Normatone and started taking it, without actually a doctor. After I did, my condition improved significantly. The dizziness and tachycardia stopped, the constantly nagging tinnitus disappeared. Now, my blood pressure is stable and hasn't gone above 130/82 in six months.
I’ve had to learn to live with high blood pressure from my childhood, it used to spike up to 150 when I turned 20. When I hit 80, I had been taking pills for almost half a century. You get used to everything, even the exhausting headaches. I went to an appointment with a young doctor, he said that there’s a drug that can cure even as bad a case as mine. He helped with nutrition, prescribed daily walks. And two Normatone courses for six months. And it worked! My usual companions, headaches and shortness of breath, are completely gone now! I still take my usual medication, but in much smaller doses. Before, after lunch I would just lie down, completely exhausted, but now I can actually take care of my grandchildren. Life has changed.
I was diagnosed with hypertension three years ago. I must have aged several years that day. I’ve had high blood pressure before, but never a hypertensive crisis. Over the next two years I’d have to buy a tonne of drugs and stick to a list of strict restrictions. I would need to constantly measure my blood pressure. I did not feel healthy. I owe everything to my wife, who kept looking for doctors and looking up stuff online. She was the one who found Normatone and saved me. I have a tip for everyone out there - treat your disease at its initial stages!
After the coronary bypass surgery following my 2nd heart attack, I realized that a third one would be fatal. I limited myself in as many areas as I could, but sticking to the doctor’s advice was hard. In this sense, Normatone helped a lot. My appetite decreased, as did my weight. I feel a lot better. I checked my cholesterol - it was normal, hadn’t been normal in years. The pressure returned to normal, and all the problems hypertension was causing became a thing of the past. I’m very happy with Normatone , it gave me my life back.