How to keep the most precious safe:

cardiologist speaks about risks of high blood
pressure, ‘dirty’ veins and how it affects the
length of your life

Dr.Ricka Ojura

is a famous Nigerian cardiologist who’s been a doctor for over 60 years now. In this interview he talks about hypertension, blood vessels and Cardioton – dietary supplement that protects our hearts from diseases.


– Dr.Ojura, can you tell us what hypertension is in simple words and why it is dangerous?

– Of course. Hypertension is a high blood pressure. It puts extra strain on your blood vessels, heart and other organs, such as the brain, kidneys and eyes. It is the most common modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular events and mortality in the world. Hypertension is also a major risk factor for sudden cardiac death, a dissecting aortic aneurysm, angina pectoris, left ventricular hypertrophy, Alzheimer’s disease.


– Wow, that sounds scary. I think we all have to pay more attention to the health of our hearts.

– Exactly. Taking care of your heart is the most important thing you can do to your body. The heart pumps the blood to all the organs to provide them with oxygen and nutritions.


– What can you recommend to do to keep the heart safe?

– First of all, pay attention to your diet. A lot of people don’t check their blood regularly so they aren’t aware if they have not enough minerals and other essential elements. Lack of nutrients can cause heart diseases, diabetes and many other health issues.

Second of all, don’t forget about physical activities. It helps relieve stress, which usually causes heart problems, and helps improve your condition in general.


– I see. These things are very important for our health. But can we prolong our life?

– Of course! Not a lot of people know about it but except for these two primitive things I’ve said above, it’s important to clean your blood vessels. This will definitely help you live longer.


– To clean blood vessels? Can you tell us a little bit more about it?

The functioning of the organs and systems in the body depends on the quality of the blood circulation. Blood circulation means delivering oxygen and nutrients to the internal organs, as well as collecting the carbon dioxide and metabolic products. In childhood, adolescence, youth, we move more, the vessels are new, elastic, clean – the nutrition of the organs is maximum. With age, we move less, and our vessels start to get dirty. This is because of many factors, not all detrimental (such as smoking, unhealthy eating, poor environment, sedentary lifestyle), but also natural (depositing of lipids, a process which takes place in all organisms).

What does 'dirty' blood channel mean? When cholesterol or other substances are deposited on them, the pressure increases, the blood contains impurities, the blood circulation is deranged.

And in the end, ‘dirty’ blood vessels lead to hypertension that we’ve been talking about in the beginning of the interview.


– I didn't think it could lead to high blood pressure. Then what symptoms point
out that the veins are ‘dirty’?

– They are:

  • Migraines
  • Memory impairments
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Intimate issues
  • Eyesight and hearing disorders
  • High blood pressure
  • Breathing impairments and angina pectoris
  • Pale skin on the legs
  • Muscle and joint pain
You might have not known it but these are the health problems
that can be caused by deposits in the blood vessels.

– I can tell it’s very important to clean the arteries after everything you’ve said.
Do you do this yourself, Dr.Ojura?

– As a doctor I know that it is essential to do this, so yes, I do it regularly. And I can tell you I feel very good in my 89.


– Wow, that is amazing! Can you tell us your secret of cleaning the blood vessels to live a long life?

– It’s not a secret at all! I just make sure my body and especially heart gets all the needed nutrients thanks to the dietary supplement Cardioton.

It improves blood pressure, cleanses and strengthens blood vessels, prevents
cardiovascular disease development, reduces harmful cholesterol level, helps get rid
of headaches, insomnia and dizziness.


is a supplement of the new generation, which means it’s completely safe.

I recommend it to all my patience and all of them are satisfied with improvements in their health.


– Thank you so much Dr.Ojura! It was nice to get to know so much important information about our health.
I believe our readers will pay attention to their heart health.

– I hope so. Thank you for having me, and don’t forget to clean your blood vessels!

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New Price: 49000 NGN

100 % natural ingredients



Chisulo, 63

This interview is so interesting. I didn’t know that it was so important to clean blood vessels. I’m going to order Cardioton now to prevent heart disease in the future

Boipelo, 59

Cardioton really works! My doctor told me to try it but I was sceptical in the beginning. After a week or so the dizziness and insomnia were gone and now, after a month, I feel so much better. My head doesn’t hurt and my heart doesn’t race like crazy, I feel like I’m 30 again!

Borna, 70

I've been taking this supplement for three months now and I don’t remember the last time my head hurt. Now my blood pressure is stable and I can sleep peacefully at night

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